You are welcome here. is a safe place for women to find community, belonging, and empowerment. No matter what season of life you may find yourself, is here for you. Together, we continue to deepen our relationship and identity in Christ.
Statement of Faith
We believe in the Holy Trinity, that God exists as three persons <Father, Son, and Holy Spirit> living and working in perfect harmony. We believe in Jesus Christ— as the only son of God who came to earth in virgin birth, died blameless for our sins, and resurrected in body form. We believe in His grace, and through Jesus we are given eternal life. We believe the Bible is the Word of God. These Holy Scriptures were given by God, divinely inspired, infallible, and the supreme authority in all matters of faith.
Why would God want to hang with people like us?
Churchome says it best: There’s only one answer: love. Extravagant love. Love that is on a level beyond time and space. Divine love. And this is the kind of love that is towards us today.